● Shipping to foreign countries
"Ajino Calendar 2022" can be shipped to foreign countries.

Example for shipping cost

 (in case of sending a daily calendar)

(a) in about 2-3 weeks / no tracking service
(b) in about 2-4 days / tracking service

→ U.S. (CA, NY, IL) : (a) 680 yen, (b) 2,180 yen
→ Taiwan : (a) 770 yen, (b) 1,540 yen
→ Korea (Seoul, Pusan)  : (a) 770 yen, (b) 1,540 yen
→ Italy : (a) 680 yen, (b) 2,400 yen
→ Tailand : (a) 560 yen, (b) 1,540 yen
→ Brasil : (a) 800 yen, (b) 2,740 yen

Before order, please tell us the followings by e-mail (info@ajinocalendar.net).
 - city of the destination
 - item and the quantity

Some areas are not coverd, sorry.

Thank you.